This program organizes all your personal contact data fast and easily. It starts directly without annoying splash screens and anything you enter is saved automatically. Access can be protected with a password and you decide where the data is located. Search for single entries using wild cards in each part of it. Get a result table with all entries matching your search. You can also sort the whole list or the filtered data with just one click!
One of the first tasks for computers was how to organize contact data of friends, relatives, shops, companies, authorities or customers. Nowadays, addresses or telephone numbers can be saved to data bases, to word processing files, to text files or can even be organized on your mobile phone or online. While in our opinion the main focus of address data bases should still be the data itself, that it can be accessed very fast and that the way to it should not be overloaded with features that you never need, most possibilities to save your personal contact data unfortunately fail when you really check out these main questions. Is it not annoying that most data base programs show you a splash screen for a few seconds before you can start to search just for a simple address? Does it not bore you to be asked after each single change if you want to save the data or not? And do you not get angry when you think about the high price you have to pay for a big office suite when you just want to find out the telephone number of a friend? We understand you, because we think the same way. Based on the famous SQLite structure Personal Addresses organizes all your contact data. The program starts directly after you clicked the icon and anything you enter is saved automatically. Of course, even if we managed to develop a very easy to use program, it would be no product, if it would not have some fantastic features too. You can search for single entries using wild cards in each part of it. You get a result table with all entries matching your search. You can sort the whole list or the filtered data after each column. You can encrypt the data base with a personal password. And you can decide by your own where the data base file is located and even network drives are possible so that the program can be installed on another computer than the data is saved. Managing your contact data with Personal Addresses is so easy that it can even be fun!
Download and use it now: Personal Addresses